"The Whistle" Film Screening
Thursday 5/11
3:00 pm
SUB 3rd Floor,
Acoma A Room
To be a part of a community is a beautiful thing. From them, we gain support, love, trust, and can learn about one another in ways that would not otherwise be possible. In Albuquerque, we are blessed with a patchwork of vibrant queer and ally communitites that creates the diverse quilt that is our city, allowing for a unique and thriving culture.
This city has long been a welcoming one to LGBTQIA+ peoples, and in 2022 obtained a perfect score on the National LGBTQIA+ Report Card published by the Human Rights Campaign. While there is something to be said about how a city can impact queer community and individual experience, there is a far more interesting story to be told about who queer individuals and communities are and what they do. Understanding, or at least attempting to understand your community is essential to the continued success of that community and by shedding light on people and their work within can encourage equitable relationships and overall connectedness at a local level.

An online community curated oral and visual history project that highlights the relationship between queer identity and community, and how queer people's daily lives influence and are influenced by the greater Albuquerque community.
Seeking: UNM artists, community artists - all mediums welcome including written works, personal stories, ally stories, selfies, portraits. Tell us about your story in a format that best suits you.
Ready to be a part of this project? Fill out this form!